Additional notes on the Autumn Solar Eclipse 2024


I had written earlier in February this year that the first eclipse In April favoured the challenger Donald Trump over the incumbent President Biden in the US Presidential election and the eclipse will bring some hidden matters into light on those who wield power including the judiciary while provoking the masses to think about what they have placed faith in. Joe Biden has been weeded out the contest with more popular Kamla Harris as the Democrat party candidate for the US Presidential Election.

The autumn eclipse on 2nd October falls in Hasta nakṣatra.  Hasta is the symbol of a hand and destiny that indicates what is within our grasp.  This eclipse may provide an opportune point to reflect  whether we should negotiate and divide the spoils of war or continue the war.  I had also written that the second eclipse is more significant for the United Kingdom both from point of view of finances and leadership as well as provide a turning point for the Royalty in the UK, House of Windsor. Here are some of my additional thoughts on the upcoming eclipse.

Autumnal Solar Eclipse and United Kingdom

Casting a chart for the peak eclipse time in London on the 2nd of October 2024 at 19.46.13 , we get an Aries ascendant. Sun, Moon and an exalted Mercury are in Virgo the eclipsed house on the 2nd of October. Expect inflationary conditions to persist and a slow pick up in business environment.  The 9th lord Mars in the 11th house also shows a promise of fortune or status from spoils of war or from brokering a peace agreement.


Using the progressed chart for UK (progressing the original 1801 chart for 144 years),  the eclipse ascendant Aries is the 9th house of fortune in the natal progressed chart.  The eclipse itself is in the 2nd house in Virgo pointing to finances and debt. Prime Minister Sir Keith Starmer has said “that things will get worse before they get better, claiming that there is “rot deep in the heart” of Britain in an attempt to prepare the groundwork for sweeping tax increases in autumn. The presence of nodes in 2/8 axis often shows issues of grappling with finances and borrowings.  A retrograde Saturn in the 7th house with directional strength (looking at the chart from Leo ascendant) indicates a hard and uncompromising labour and demands. Apparently 50% of the £33bn fiscal black has come pay rises for public sector workers. Jupiter in the 10th is giving a sign aspect to the 10th Lord Venus indicating a reward from entrepreneurial efforts. However, we must note that the 11th lord Mercury is firmly stuck in the house of eclipse.

Using the technique taught by Pandit Sanjay Rath, we divide the night of eclipse into 7 parts  to see which parts of it fall at the time of full and peak eclipse.  As the full eclipse starts early in the evening it will afflict the hour ruled by Moon affecting merchants, dependant  woman, ministers and general public.  The time ruled by Sun comes  after the eclipse and therefore the rulers and heads of State such as the Prime Minister are likely to gain in the next 6 months. The positive read on the hour ruled by Sun should also bode well for the Royality – House of Windsor.  The 10th house of the horoscope of William, Prince of Wales, has two planets Saturn and Mars (his ātma Kārakā and amatya Kārakā) in the eclipsed Nakshatra Hasta. 10th house represents the throne. Malefic planets in the 10th house are not conducive for paternal happiness or health. His father, King Charles has been undergoing Cancer treatment.

Solar Eclipse and United States

In the case of USA, the progressed ascendant (progressing the original 1776 chart by 144 years) is Scorpio. When we cast the chart for the peak solar eclipse in Washington DC at 14.46.13, we get the eclipse ascendant as Sagittarius with Jupiter in the 6th house of battle.  Challenges to throne and power are indicated by the eclipsed house Virgo falling in the 10th and the ruler of the 5th house of power Mars being in an unfortunate position (marana- death like) in the 7th house. From the natal progressed chart (Scorpio) the ascendant of the eclipsed chart is the 2nd house and Virgo the eclipsed house is the 11th house, both houses indicating  matters involving wealth and gains.

We  divide the day of eclipse into 7 parts  to see which parts of it fall at the time of full and peak eclipse.  The eclipse starts in the fourth part of the day ruled by the Sun and peaks in the part ruled by the planet Moon,  while receding in the part ruled by Venus. This indicates that rulers, kings, ministers and merchants would suffer with partial gains for independent women and travel. Matters represented by Saturn such as labour, borders areas and matters of migrants should prosper.  As the eclipse favours Saturn,  this should favour a more friendly foreign and immigration policy. As the hour of the Sun is disturbed, we cannot rule out unruly behaviour during the elections by the candidates or by the voters and/or disruption in timely hand over to the next government.

NATO and Solar Eclipse

The results obtained above from the calculations of the  division of the day of the eclipse in Washington is also applicable for NATO which is why I expected some disarray at the time of electing the new Secretary General for NATO which has not materialised. Mark Rutte  is expected to take over from Jens Stoltenberg on October 1st. In his leaving speech, Jens Stoltenberg talked of the relevance of NATO as an institution that is being united, strong and transformed.  We will see more of the transformation as there are two eclipses of 2025 are also in the Virgo/Pisces axis which forms the 1/7 axis of the horoscope of NATO.

The eclipse ascendant for the chart cast in Washington at the peak hour of eclipse is Sagittarius, which is the is the 4th house for NATO that signifies territory and faith. Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius is debilitated but gets a cancellation from Moon in the 10th house. The faith of NATO is in the strength of its allies which is the 11th house. Jens Stoltenberg  emphasised the importance of making sacrifices for peace by making contributions and choosing “freedom over free trade”. We can expect the continued momentum of the expansionary effort of NATO.  NATO is running the dasa of Ketu Rahu from 27/9/2024 to 15/10/2025. Actions taken in this period will have a karmic effect and can have deeper consequences for Europe and the world (read deployment of long-range missiles).  The antara of Jupiter that follows will provide room for negotiation.

When I look at the corresponding calculations for Russia, the eclipse starts in the hour of Moon, peaks at Venus. The eclipse also touches the partly the hour ruled by Sun, however it will be receding as it is after the peak time of eclipse. This shows that any leadership strength that is lost may be regained. However, I am mindful that Russia also has a Virgo ascendant implying big changes for the country will be forthcoming with eclipses continuing in Pisces/Virgo axis in 2025 which can signify changes in leadership.


Principles based on the teachings of Pandit Sanjay Rath on Solar eclipses

Bṛhat Samhitā – Varāhamihira, M. Ramakṛishna Bhat, Part 1, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, India

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