Sun in Pisces 2025

The Sun will be transiting the sidereal sign of Pisces from 14th March to  April 13th. Sun in Pisces is blessed by Viṣṇu Aditya. Viṣṇu Aditya is the destroyer of the asuras (demonic forces) and restores peace. True to the adage, “Things are not what they seem”, the Aditya Vishnu is a risk taker and associated with covert action from the story of the Mahabali and Viṣṇu disguised as a dwarf Brahmin. Many politicians have Sun in the 12th house or Pisces. In this form Vishnu is also known as Trivikrama as one who has conquered the world in three steps. One can worship Trivikrama to get rid of tyrants and bullies.

The apasara (nymph) travelling in the chariot this month with Viṣṇu Aditya is Rambhā known for her unrivalled accomplishments in the arts of dancing, music, and beauty. Rambhā  was sent by Indra, the King of Heavens to spoil the penances of Sage Visvamitra (the sage in the chariot with Vishnu Aditya) who was seeking enlightenment which is the domain of Pisces, being the natural 12th house. Planets in the 12th house  represent the imprints and deep desires that we carry (Vasana), being the 9th house from the 4th house of mind the planets. We will be tested for them. Visvamitra, having become  wiser to his weaknesses from his earlier encounter with the apsara Menaka recognised Rambhā and cursed her that she become a rock for ten thousand years before being released by the touch of a true Brahmin. Eventually, she was released by Sage Śveta (disciple of Sage Agatsya) who picked up the nearest rock (none other than Rambhā ) to throw at the demoness Aṅgārakā who was disturbing him. The rock fell on the demoness’s head as she fled and jumped into the holy waters of Kapitīrtha. Rambhā  then emerged from  the water in her old beautiful self and was escorted to her home in the heavens.


Sun transits into the sign of Pisces soon after the  lunar eclipse on the 14th March and joins Rahu,  Venus and Mercury.  Mercury turns retrograde the very next day on the 15th March. The conjunction of Sun with Rahu is on the 17th in the nakshatra of Pūrvabhādra  which is fiercer that the nakshatra of  the solar eclipse on 29th March in Uttarabhādra (4th pada). This eclipse will be visible in London and peaking close to 11am.  There will be a sarpa yoga (malefics in 3 quadrants) which will make the events binding. Saturn’s the planet that doles out karma will  transit into Pisces the same day, not only make the Sarpa Yoga stronger but also result in hemming the planets between the nodes (creating a kala amrita yoga) in the sky. As all planets are involved with Pisces either by presence, aspect of change, the effect of this eclipse will be global and will take 6 months for release.  Uttarabhādra has the capacity to bring to surface issues that are lurking deep under the sea. Watch out for the conjunction between Rahu and Saturn  in Pūrvabhādra two weeks from the eclipse that create dissonance around the 13th April. The last time Rahu and Saturn were together in Pisces was in 1968, a year of worldwide protests against war,  military states,  bureaucracies and the start of civil rights movements.  This led to positive change in institutions and adoption of more liberal policies with more inclusion. For more details about the results and the effect on countries please read

With Saturn’s transit in Pisces for the next two and half years, individuals with Moons in the sign of  Aries will start feeling the effect of the first portion of their testing time (a total 7.5 years known as sade sathi). This is not a time to ignore family or spousal interests. For those with Moons in Pisces, it is time to pay attention to health and for those with Moons in Aquarius it is time to keep your finances healthy.  The effect of Saturn in Pisces is usually benign as the harsh karmic planet will find space for healing and compassion in the ocean of Pisces.

The combustion of Venus is bound to cause some tears from 19-26th March.  The actual conjunction between Sun and a retrograde Venus is on 22nd March and Sun with Mercury on 25th. Mercury will be combust between 17th March to 31st March. Combustion leads to  purification and better alignment; however, it is to be noted that when planets are retrograde, they are stubborn and not given to reason to reconcile. Venus will be more deliberate and rational while Saturn will be hurrying than its norm due to their differing speeds.  To understand the effects of planets that differ from the normal speed, read

Particular care should be taken in business negotiations. Initially  Mercury – businessmen will appear to be greatly influenced by Venus and Rahu – Ministers, deal makers and diplomats, but after the 22nd March will change their allegiance to the Sun – government and those in power. Though Venus and Mercury will be moving within a tight orb,  there will no meeting as a slower retrograde Mercury fails to catch up with a retrograde Venus (athitha yoga). Again, Mercury and Rahu get very close (withing 25 minutes) on the 7th April but Mercury pauses and pulls way,  going direct. Businessmen will be more aligned with the governments and those in power (read USA).

In all matters, there is a strong possibility of build-up of discord and with creation of opposing camps.  After the eclipse Saturn, Mercury,  Venus and Rahu will be in a close orb. An association of  yoga of Saturn, Venus and Mercury is troublesome, the association with Rahu makes it only more dubious. The exact conjunction of Venus with Rahu is on 3rd April and this is second meeting (after the 2nd Feb). Saturn and Venus will be in a long conjunction between 4th and 11th of April and Venus should find an ally in Saturn as it turns direct on 13rd April.

Mars moves into its debilitation sign Cancer on 2nd of April for two months, it will receive a sign aspect of Jupiter from Taurus until May14th. Mars is placed 3rd from Jupiter and this is considered “acchadhana” – blessing of Jupiter. The actions  the speed of Mars is slower but accelerating, we can expect more of a response rather than reaction during the period. There will be greater thought and deliberation even in revenge.

Festivals/ Events

It is  time to cheer as the Vernal equinox falls on the 20th March at 9.01am bringing with more daylight . The spring festival of colours, Holi coincides with lunar eclipse on the 14th March on the full moon day of the lunar month of Phalgun. We celebrate Ugadi,  the new samvatsara of Viśvāvasu meaning “wealth of all” or “the beneficent one” on March 30th. Rāma Navami, the birthday of the ascetic king Rāma from the sacred epic Rāmayana who was the embodiment of perfect character falls on April 6th, Navami tithi of the month of Chitra. We also celebrate his devoted follower Hanuman’s  birthday on the 12th of April on the full moon day of the month of Chitra.

I am speaking on the 12th house on April 2nd at the Inner Light Jyotish Summit run by Swati/Saraswati Miller. My topic is Understanding Gati – Journey of the Soul – A look at the 12th house to understand Motion, Destiny and Beyond.

Let us to pray to Viṣṇu Aditya for guidance during this turbulent period and implore him to restore peace and order.

ॐ घृणि: विष्णु आदित्य

om ghṛṇi viṣṇu āditya🙏🏼

Picture of Trivikrama is from my collection of photos from my visit to the Badami Cave temples