Solar Monthly News – Gemini 2022

Sun will be in Gemini from the 15th of June till 16th July. Sun in Gemini is represented by Mitra Aditya. Mitra is a friend of all and he is the compassionate one. He alleviates the suffering of all. Sri Kṛṣṇa in the chapter 12.13 of Bhakti yoga in Bhagavad Gita enumerates these two qualities of maitraḥ- friendliness and karuṇa – compassion as the foremost qualities amongst his devotees who are very dear to him. Devotion helps us to feel united with all living beings. As there are no others from ourselves, the world is one family or “vasudeva kutumbakam”. The Sāmba Puranā mentions Mitra as the 12th form of Sun-god who resides in a temple on the banks of Candrabhāga (modern day Orissa) which was built by Sāmba the son of Sri Kṛṣṇa and Jāmbavati. Sāmba built the temple was as a part of the penance to regain his lustrous form and releasing himself leprosy caused as result being cursed by his father. He represents the morning sun and the first eulogised in the Sun salutations.

The Puranā also mentions that Mitra Aditya has friendly eyes to all. (मैत्रेण चक्षुषा -maitreṇa cakṣuṣā). In the Rig veda (3.59) Mitra is said to behold men with a steady gaze – with eyes that close not or unblinking. (मित्रः कृष्टिः अनिमिषाभि चष्टे mitraḥ kṛṣṭiḥ animiṣābhi caṣṭe). This “unblinking” nature of the eyes is the characteristic of devas that separates them from mere mortals. I am reminded of a story from the epic Mahabharata. During the svayamvara (marriage) of the Princess Damayanti of Vidharba, the deities Indra, Varuna, Yama and Agni who desired her, assumed the form of her mortal lover Nala. However, she was able to distinguish her lover by the blinking of his eyes whilst the devas held their eyes steady. She thus confidently placed the garland on Nala’s neck and was married to him.

Vishnu is referred to as Animiṣā – unblinking in Vishnu Sahasranāmā (1000 names of Vishnu). The higher meaning of the word is omniscience and in the words of śaṅkarā- “there is no cession of knowing in the knower”.

Sun moves into Gemini and is alone mostly until joined by Mercury on July 2nd and will not have the restraining aspect of Saturn this month. Gemini is the navamsa exaltation sign of Sun – which means that when Sun is exalted in Aries at 10° it falls in the navamsa of Gemini. Therefore, we can expect some forward movement for those in power. Venus moves into Taurus on the 18th June to join Mercury. Mars joins Rahu on the 27th June to make an explosive combination in the fiery sign of Aries. The sign Aries is protected by the shubha kartari yoga of being flanked on either side by the two preceptors – Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Taurus. The actual conjunction of Rahu and Mars is not until the month of August.

Retrograde Saturn moves back into Capricorn on the 12th of July to revisit past issues. This creates a sarpa yoga (three malefics Rahu, Mars and Saturn in kendras) for ascendants in moveable signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Sarpa yoga create binding situations where it is difficult for good sense to prevail, passion overrules and thus reason may fail. The presence of a benefic planet in kendras in those horoscopes may mitigate the negative consequences. The sign of Cancer will be aspected by Jupiter in Pisces, therefore those with Ascendants in Cancer may worship Shiva or an appropriate form of Guru for wisdom. Venus moves into Gemini on the 13th July, thus the sign Aries loses the protection given by the shubha kartari. Dual signs enjoy a Hamsa Yoga though Jupiter will be aspected by Saturn from Capricorn. Hamsa yoga makes one worthy of fame and brings forth many opportunities to be inspired. Jupiter also receives the sign aspect of Sun from Gemini creating a Gopala yoga.

We observe the summer solstice on June 21st that usually brings a change in mood to the world. Spring season gives way to summer. The Sun having reached the Northern goal changes its apparent direction to the South. Gods are supposedly in slumber now and it is time for us earthly beings to enjoy the bounties of the earth. We enjoy the Midsummers festival and celebrate the longest day in the northern hemisphere.

Lastly, the most famous and the largest ratha yatra (Chariot festival) is celebrated in Puri on the 2nd tithi of the lunar month of Ashadha. This year it falls on 1st July where the idols of Jagganath( Krishna), his brother Balarama and sister Subhadra are taken out in chariot in a procession.

Let us worship Mitra Aditya to invoke the maitri bhavana (friendliness) amongst all.

ॐ घृणिः मित्रादित्यः

om ghṛṇiḥ mitrādityaḥ


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