ॐ नमः कालपुरुशय सर्वभूतभयंकरय यजमानोपकारय मां रक्षरक्ष स्वहा।
Vedic consultations are strictly done under the standards of my parampara (lineage). Consultations are done in person or over a phone or online. Consultations can be requested through mail and by filling the requisite form.
Your Vedic chart (aka Natal/Birth chart) is the picture of the location of the 9 Grahas (planets) in the sky at the time you were born. It signifies the total (quantity and quality) karma of your soul. Through our techniques we can tell whether the karma to be enjoyed is totally fixed or flexible. If they are flexible, we select appropriate remedies depending on your belief systems and life practices. Mantra is a preferred choice of my parampara. The word mantra in Sanskrit means that which protects the mind, or that which helps one cross over a particular state of mind and leads you to fulfilment. We mostly give Vedic Mantras where meanings are more important and are universal on usage.
Life Consult
This is an important big picture reading of your Vedic Chart (see above) because it focuses on your life as a whole to give you an understanding of the karmic purpose of your birth. I will look at your all 16 divisions of your Vedic chart covering different aspects of your life to discuss the most important ones to highlight your choices, interests and also health matters if necessary. Appropriate remedies and mantras will be advised for well-being and to pursue interests of the soul rather than a pure material focus.
It is highly recommended to begin with this consultation as it is the foundation of and reference for specialist readings, revealing your strengths and development opportunities and your likely patterns (prior to self-work) to life’s challenges and favourable chances. Drawing on my studies in philosophy and the scriptures since 1997 and 2011 respectively (see menu: Home page), this consultation also includes the beginnings of coaching.
It is valuable to read the page ‘Interpreting a Chart’ for a deeper explanation (see menu: Learn>Jyotish>Interpreting a Chart). You should opt for this if you are getting a reading for the first time.
I spend a minimum of 3-4 hours analysing your Vedic chart and 16 divisional charts prior to our 90 minutes consultation. Please give me upto two weeks for this work after which I will inform you of the appointment date. In case we need further information, I will get back to you on this.
90 minutes – £155
Specific Reading
For this reading, you choose one thing to focus to discuss in detail. I take into account the appropriate Vedic divisional chart along with your natal and past-life divisional charts as well current transits before giving a reading. This is also a good for follow-up readings for those who have had a life reading. Some examples of specific readings are
- Career or Business – Am I going to get the promotion, or should I do business instead of career.
- Relationships – is he/she the right one for my life or choosing a business partner
- Reading a particular period or dasa of a planet in life – what is the current dasa in my life and what are the transits and effects and particular remedies
- Vedic Birthday chart reading or Tithi Pravesha with transits for the year and remedies
- Choosing a name for your child or your business
60 minutes £101
How to Use Vedic Consultations to Help You
A beneficial approach to Vedic consultations is to explore it on a continual basis to navigate and support you on your life path. This journey would begin with a Life Consult reading revealing your karmic purpose (see above, Life Consult) in which the first remedies will be advised. You will also be advised of your mental make-up or habits (which could practical matters like sleep and diet) contributing to your continual pattern of thinking and action. (see Menu: Learn>Gunas. A unique approach is chosen so that you are empowered to act harmoniously with the unfolding karma at a specific time and for a specific duration. Two further exerting factors are the interpretation of the sky’s planetary transits in the context of the different areas of your life (see menu: Learn>Jyotish>Interpreting a Chart ‘12 Houses in a Vedic Chart’) and also the karmic effects ruling your life from one birthday to the next, known as the Tithi Pravesha reading.
Life is continually subject to changeable influences, choices and events exerting varying effects on the soul, body, mind and intellect. Timely consultations and (see menu: Consultations ) can help you become more self-aware of your karma backpack, how to stabilise/ lighten it and transform into best version of yourself.
Book a Consultation
Please send your completed form / below questions and answers to consult@vijayajyoti.com. Or alternatively upload the form on the site on the box given. Please give me about one week for making and initial study of the chart (2-3hrs) after which I will inform you of the appointment date. In case we need further information, I will get back to you on this. All information provided herein, is absolutely confidential.
Consultation Forms
Please download any of the files below, fill out relevant details inside and email the copy of saved document to me. This is necessary for any Reading and Consultation.
Consultation form.doc for Microsoft Word only
Consultation form.pdf for Adobe Reader ver. 10 or higher only
Consultation form.rtf for all general/mobile devices