Sun in Libra 2024

Sun enters Libra on the 17th October and will stay in the sign till late on the 16th November. The Aditya is Pūṣaṇa. He is called that because he feeds the world – puṣṇāti sarvān iti pūṣā (पुष्णाति सर्वान् इति पूषा). As per the Samba Purana, Pūṣaṇa is the in-dweller of the food and is responsible for nourishment and rejuvenation of all creatures at all times. Libra is a sign associated with prosperity and Pūṣaṇa is the keeper of the flocks and herds and bringer of prosperity. In this sense, the word derives its meaning from “thrive or increase”. Venus, the lord of the sign Libra rules over Friday and is also associated with “Puṣṭi”- nourishment and comforts.

The apsara travelling with Pūṣaṇa in his chariot this month is Ghṛtācī whose name  is mentioned  as principal amongst the apsaras (heavenly nymphs) in  Indra’s court in the the scriptures. She distracted many a sage and divinely beings and begot children with them.  She is the mother of Nala, the architect who helped to build the bridge between Lanka and India in the lore of Rāmāyaṇa and also the mother of Drona (the teacher of Pāṇḍava) from the lore of Mahābhārata . The meaning of Ghṛtācī is derived from the word ghṛta – ghee (clarified butter) and añca to worship meaning, abound with ghee or splendour as that of ghee. It is often used as an oblation in yajña and does the act of quenching the thirst. In ayurveda, thirst or tṛṣṇā comes from an imbalance of pitta (fire) and vāta (air) elements where the life force or ojas is depleted. These imbalances are associated with living an extroverted life or being in a constant state of anxiety.  The act of partaking ghee either on its own or with other substances (as prescribed) helps the digestive fire and is said to reduce dehydration, particularly caused by anxiety and cold weather.


Sun moves into Libra to join Mercury. This is a difficult month with two fiery planets Sun and Mars will be debilitated and will receive the sign aspect of a restraining Saturn. Both these planets will also receive a sign aspect of an expansionary but retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. A debilitated Sun will also be aspected by a debilitated Mars as it moves into Cancer from the 20th October. Expect actions to be thwarted or rather vengeful. This will be a frustrating time for leaders as they will find themselves oscillating between trying to act and restrain themselves with little initiative. The move of Mars into Cancer however, breaks the sarpa yoga (presence of three malefics in quadrants) for dual signs temporarily until late January, giving them more freedom. Mercury joins Scorpio with Venus on the 29th October. Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 6th of November. The real bright point this solar month  is that of Saturn turning direct on the 15th November. This is also Saturn’s final 4 months in Aquarius, its mūlatrikoṇa sign or office. Matters stuck and pending from March of this year might show some signs of life. A word of caution that Saturn will be in Pisces navamsa with Ketu from 11th November until 27th December and then will be debilitated in Aries navāṃśa until the 1st of February. This is about the time Jupiter should turn direct too. Saturn’s sojourn through the navāṃśas of Taurus and Gemini (through February and March 2025) should be easier and expect things to move and get resolved.


We celebrate Deepavali, the festival of lights which is symbolic of victory over evil on the 31st  October. This festival is celebrated on Amavasya tithi in the North of India as Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after vanquishing Ravana, along with the Lakshmi Puja. In the South of India, the festival is always celebrated on Chaturdashi tithi in the morning.

Lets us worship Pūṣaṇa Aditya for keeping us nourished and rejuvenated in these turbulent times and the upcoming hard winter months.

ॐ घृणिः पूषणादित्यः

om ghṛṇiḥ pūṣaṇādityaḥ 🙏🏼