Eye on the Sky – Thinking Fast and Slow, Analysing the Impact of Motion of Planets

The word gati  in Sanskrit has many meanings of consequence such as one’s path in life or destination.  In Jyotiṣa, the word gati usually refers to the speed of the planets. Planets oscillate at different speeds to their norm which can cause them to behave differently from their nature, so I thought to study and write about the impact of the deviating motions of the planets.

I derive inspiration for this article from a lecture from my very first week in Bhimtal in October 2010 listening to Guruji, Pandit Sanjay Rath  talking about graha gati – speed of planets. I recall that lecture vividly, he said  that a planet in its  natural speed is in samā gati like the Sun. “A planet that is quicker is termed śīghra or ati śīghra depending how much quicker it is moving. A planet that is quicker than its natural speed is eager and fleeting like the Moon or sometimes is running scared like a child akin to Mercury.  The planet that is slow is called mandā or ati mandā like Saturn”. We went no further than that in the class and it became fodder for my thought.

Before we go into deviations and relative speed,  I list below the regular speed of planets – samā gati. Amongst the planets Moon is the fastest taking only 2.5 days to transit  a sign whereas Saturn is slowest one taking 2.5 years to transit a sign.

 Planet Average Daily Movement in degrees (samā gati) Average days/years in a         sign
Sun    00°59’ 30 days
Moon    13°10’ 2.5 days
Mars    00°31’ 57 days
Mercury      1°23’ 22 days
Jupiter      0°04’ 1 year
Venus      1°12’ 26 days
Saturn      0°02’ 2.5 years


Further, Sūrya Siddhānta, Chapter 2, verses 12 and 13 describe the eight relative motions of planets –

वक्रानुवक्रा कुटिला मन्दा मन्दतरा समा । तथा शीघ्रतरा शीघ्रा ग्रहाणामष्टधा गतिः॥ १२ ॥

तत्रातिशीघ्रा शीघ्राख्या मन्दा मन्दतरा समा । ऋज्वीति पञ्चधाज्ञेया या वक्रा सानुवक्रगा ||१३||

vakrānuvakrā kuṭilā mandā mandatarā samā |

tathā śīghratarā śīghrā grahāṇāmaṣṭadhā gatiḥ|| 12 ||

tatrātiśīghrā śīghrākhyā mandā mandatarā samā |

ṛjvīti pañcadhājñeyā yā vakrā sānuvakragā ||13||

Vakrā (retrograde), anuvakrā (somewhat retrograde), kuṭila (transverse), mandā (slow), mandatarā (very slow), samā (even), then śīghratara (very swift), śīghra (swift) are eight kinds of gati of planets.  From them ati śīghra, śīghra, mandā, mandatarā and samā are known as five kinds of the straight (gati), those vakrā and anuvakrā are going backward (retrograding).

I will not be discussing the three motions related to retrograding, viz. vakra, anuvakra and kuṭila respectively in this article.

A decade later while studying behaviour psychology, I came across the work of Daniel Kahneman highlighting how human brains used two systems for decision making process – ‘thinking fast and slow’. Applying the concept to this study, actions or thoughts prompted by planets moving faster than their  normal speed can be construed as quick or automatic, emotional, stereotypic and perhaps unconscious. Whereas, the thinking or actions resulting from the influence of a planet slower than its natural speed can be deliberate, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious or cold.

A further classification of planets around their guṇa-nature  is helpful to explain ‘why’ of the behaviour associated with their motion. As we can see below in the table, the motion of the sattva planets can be regular like that of Sun, fast like that of Moon and slow like that of Jupiter. Sattva planets seek contentment and are creative with little personal agenda. Rajas planets Venus and Mercury are dynamic,  have deep personal agenda and are fast moving.  The tamas planets are natural malefics – Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are all slow and capable of showing coldness or deliberate action. Mars is perhaps, the only one that is faster than other malefics as it wants to swiftly carry out the orders of the King or the State.

Planet Relative Speed Guṇa Caste/Behaviour
Sun Regular Sattva Kṣatriya) – Royal
Moon Very Fast Sattva Vaiśya – Intellectual Business
Mars Medium-Slow Tamas Kṣatriya) – Royal
Mercury Fast Rajas Vaiśya – Business
Jupiter Slow Sattva Brāhmaṇa – Intellectual
Venus Fast Rajas Brāhmaṇa – Intellectual
Saturn Very slow Tamas Śūdra  – Service

We can further understand that the effect of a planet that  is much faster (ati śīghra) than its normal speed (samā gati) is fleeting like that of the Moon. The behaviour  of such a planet can be viewed as rather automatic, instinctive, or can appear to be thoughtless, similar to the experience when one is not quite conscious about the path while walking back home from work. Such a planet can also grace or bestow favours quickly as the presence of Moon can  makes something happen.

In the similar manner, a planet slightly faster (śīghra gati) than its normal speed can also be seen as behaving like Mercury or Venus carrying with it a personal agenda.  The agenda of Mercury is more to do with money and that of Venus is inclusion or exclusion. It is also said that because of the elitist, manipulative and undefeatable nature of Venus, any planet that is stationary (Kuṭila) in motion is said to be the like Venus.

When planets are slower (mandā) than their normal speed they can behave more like Jupiter and be more inclusive and thoughtful. A planet that is very slow (mandatarā)  can behave like Saturn, and be more obstructing and colder.

Thinking Fast – What happens when slower planets become faster?

Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and faith and the significator of children. It is planet of sattvic disposition – that is calm and bestowing naturally and therefore the preceptor of divinely beings. When Jupiter is faster than its usual speed, judgement can be automatic rather than deliberate even when a situation warrants an exception. One can overlook facts. There could be private agenda which can be compromising. Decisions can be taken overly weighing financial benefits (behaving like  Mercury) or to favour a particular group (behaving like Venus).

Saturn is a planet of service, because it is slow, indolent, greedy or depressing, it is classified as tamasic. When Saturn is too fast like the Moon, it can be a stressful time for many leading to  hesitation or avoidance of action and responsibility. One can feel like running away and hiding.  A reasonably faster moving Saturn should be beneficial for business objectives and communication can be skilful.

Mars is planet of action; it belongs to the royal class and is most pleased while carrying out the actions of state and the king. Mars can wage wars to extract, discipline and punish, there is a rigidity to its behaviour, hence it is tamasic in nature. When Mars is ati śīghra in gati, the actions can be perceived to be reactive, emotional or impulsive. In some cases, when Mars is placed well, the actions can be perceived as highly intuitive specially when Mars moves quickly in defence.  When Mars is in śīghra gati, it will be endowed with a personal agenda and can exhibit extreme competition (a yoga of Mars with Mercury creates natural boxers) or jealousy and/or inappropriate or thieving behaviour.

Thinking SlowWhat happens when faster planets become slower?

Venus is an intellectual and the preceptor to the demonic beings – supportive of those  who are clamouring for power and dominance. Venus is elitist and has private agenda therefore is classified as rajasic – dynamic in its attribute. Venus is also the significator of a relationship or spouse. A slower Venus (mandā gati) will respond in a  compassionate and inclusive manner (like Jupiter). A much slower Venus (manda tara) can become colder, detached and calculating like Saturn in relationships.

Mercury belongs to the business class and has the private agenda of a profit. Mercury is youthful the significator of communication. Mercury with a mandā gati will be mature, possessing the ability to synthesise  learning akin to Jupiter, it can also show largesse. A manda tara Mercury can lose its lightness and become rigid, grasping and commercial (like Saturn).

Mars is faster than Jupiter and Saturn. When Mars slows down, there can be heightened  listening and comprehension, right actions. On the other hand, when Mars is too slow, it can be like Saturn rigid, greedy or irresponsible and totally giving up in a defeatist attitude.

Impact of thinking fast and slow in 2025

Thinking Slow – Venus in Pisces

Venus will spend 121 days in Pisces, much longer than the average 26 days it spends in a sign and its speed will not be optimum throughout its sojourn in Pisces. Venus entered the sign on 28th January, when the speed was 86% of its normal speed and has started to slow down. This is a time when dealings with partners both business  and personal  can feel less spontaneous,  colder and calculating. This period can also be tactically used efficiently for final resolution.

Venus  meets with  Rahu (3 times), Mercury (2 times), Sun and Saturn (2 times). While in any war Venus is always the  victor, one has to note that the Venus is slower than usual, therefore will put in a greater effort and be deliberate and calculative after it turns retrograde on the 2nd of March. The result of any two retrograde planets is very difficult to reach.  The coldness of Venus will be more apparent as it will start to  slow down dramatically days before retrograding on the 2nd of March and when it turns direct on 13th of April. It is better to negotiate and expect better terms if one is the oppressed or aggrieved party after the 13th April as the delta of the speed of Venus is increasing. As Venus moves away from the conjunctions and the orbs of other planets from May 6th , one can expect a more compassionate effect of an exalted Venus till the  31st of May.

Thinking Fast  – Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter will enter Gemini on the 15th May 2025 at 2.5 X its normal speed and will hurry into the next sign Cancer by October 18th in little more than 5 months instead of taking a whole year. From 15th May to 23rd June as Jupiter accelerates to 2.75X its speed, there could be a feeling of awe as one experiences when we are watching an elephant run. There could be felicity too, however it may be wise to pay attention to details and not overlook facts. There may be some personal agenda particularly as Jupiter will meet Mercury in Gemini on the 8th of June. The intentions of Jupiter will be purified or aligned after its combustion on the 25th of June, and its speed will not be accelerating while still maintaining a faster pace till the 8th of September.  Jupiter will have attained normal speed  between 14th and 18th  October and will slow down further to become retrograde on 11th of November.

Jupiter re-enters Gemini retrograde on the 6th of December until March 11th  2026. From then on, it is direct until June 1st, though its speed is sub-par only normalising on the  7th of June 2026 after its move into Cancer.  Therefore, one may surmise that Jupiter will be more fruitful in 2025 that in 2026.

Thinking Fast – Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn attained its normal speed on 4th December 2024 in Aquarius  and since then it has been  accelerating and will reach the speed of  3.6X its normal speed on the day of eclipse on 29th March when it will transit into Pisces. During this period Saturn will move 12°30’ in Aquarius merely in 4.5 months covering the distance of 92%  that it  normally moves  in a year, viz.  of one nakshatra of 13°20’. With an  accelerating Saturn one can feel stressed out and lack the ability to cope or feel the need to escape the situation by not accepting responsibility. We may need to include mindfulness practices such as pranayama to bring more awareness to our states of being.

Saturn will be meeting Mercury and  Sun while in Aquarius and then  Rahu and Venus (2 times) in Pisces after March 29th. The conjunctions of Saturn, whether in Aquarius or Pisces will be take place in its accelerated state of over 3.5X its normal speed. At the same time the  faster moving planets -Mercury and Venus will be slower than the norm thereby prolonging the days the planets will be in each other’s orb of influence or at war. Saturn will be more responsible in Aquarius as it has more dignity than in Pisces.  Work and business decisions will benefit when Saturn in Pisces attains its normal speed from  22nd June till 13th July after which Saturn will start to slow down to turn retrograde.

Thinking Slow – Mars in Cancer

Mars is debilitated in Cancer as it feels uncomfortable with energy of water and emotions.  Mars is the significator of land and its excellence is usually visible in the protection function it offers, which are both the domains of the 4th house, and yet Mars does not have the right formula to deal with these issues amicably particularly when it is in the sign of Cancer. There could be a feeling of being wronged and wanting to seek revenge. Mars will reach Cancer on the 2nd April at  64% of its speed and will be accelerating to reach its normal speed on the 27th May before it leaves the sign on the 6th of June. It would have spent 64 days in 2025 in Cancer when its normal to stay in a sign for 57 days. Mars would have spent 157 days in Cancer if one adds the time it spent in Cancer in 2024 before retrograding into Gemini. As the speed of Mars is slower but accelerating, we can expect more of a response rather than reaction during the period. There will be greater thought and deliberation even in revenge.



  • Pandit Sanjay Rath’s teachings while studying BHPS in Bhimtal, Uttarakhand, India
  • Sūrya Siddhānta, Mahavir Prasad, Indian Astronomy, Digital Publication
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, Penguin Publishers
  • Shri Jyoti Star, Vedic Software



ॐ तत् सत्




This is the original work of Vijaya Jyoti, copyright © 2025 vijaya.jyoti.com. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted without proper attribution to the author and source.

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