We continue to have solar eclipses in the Pisces/Virgo axis in 2025 even as Rahu/Ketu change signs on May 18th into the Aquarius/Leo axis. The first solar eclipse for the year will be a partial solar eclipse on March 29th in the nakshatra of Uttarabhādrapadā (4th pada) in Pisces followed by another partial Solar eclipse on September 21st in Uttaraphalgunī (3rd pada) in Virgo.
Both the eclipses fall around key dates of the astronomical calendar. The solar eclipse in March will coincide with the chaitra śukla pratipada (first lunar day after the New Moon in Pisces) from which chart the destiny of countries for the upcoming year is read. This is starting point for a new year which is called Samvatsara. We leave the difficult year krodhi meaning anger for the year of Viśvāvasu. The meaning of Viśvāvasu, is the “wealth of all” or “the beneficent one”. The second eclipses is just a day before the Autumnal equinox. As both eclipses are partial or savya in nature and the shadow will be lower, therefore I expect the result of all the effect maybe benign for the universe as a whole. I also say this because of Jupiter’s involvement in the eclipses, the first one by way of exchange with Venus and in the second eclipse by an aspect. Nevertheless, there is room for disgruntlement as both the solar eclipses are preceded by lunar eclipses.
Table 1 : Solar Eclipses of 2025 | ||||||
Solar Eclipse Type | Date | Visibility | UTC/GMT | Nakshatra | Degree | Sign |
Partial | March 29 | Europe, Russia, North East of US and Canada North West Africa | 10.48.36 | Uttarabhādrapadā | 14°47’ | Pisces |
Partial | Sept 21 | Southern Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica | 19.43.01 | Uttaraphalgunī | 4°50 | Virgo |
https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEdecade/SEdecade2021.html |
The March solar eclipse will bring all the planets together. The back-and-forth conjunctions in Pisces before and after the eclipse are total twelve in number and they signify a period of intense negotiations. The combination of Rahu and Saturn (two weeks after the eclipse) is said to bring storms and rebellion, particularly as the conjunction is in Pūrvabhādrapadā, the fiercer of the two Bhadra nakshatras. The last time Rahu and Saturn were together in Pisces was in 1968, a year of worldwide protests against war, military states, bureaucracies and the start of civil rights movements. This led to positive change in institutions and adoption of more liberal policies with more inclusion.
In a similar fashion this eclipse in Uttarabhādrapadā can be intense and bring issues that are fundamental to our thinking, feeling and action to surface that lie deep below smouldering, however the end result could be benign bringing stability and growth to the three worlds. There is no awakening without suffering and better described in the words of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche “You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star”.
Musings from 2024
As the March 2024 eclipse was in Pisces, I had written that we can expect disturbances for industries such as deep- sea mining, waterways and shipping, travel by sea, port related activities and fisheries. The collapse of Francis Scott Bridge, Baltimore, Maryland on March 26th and the death of the workmen was one such incident and the shipping company made a settle of 100mn. Many deaths and devastation was caused in Central Europe due to flooding in 2024.
I had correctly predicted that the first eclipse in April favoured the challenger Donald Trump over the incumbent President Biden in the US Presidential election and the eclipse will bring some hidden matters into light on those who wield power including the judiciary while provoking the masses to think about what they have placed faith in. Joe Biden was weeded out the contest with more popular Kamala Harris as the Democrat party candidate for the US Presidential Election. Both solar eclipses peaking in the hour of Sun (indicating rulers) did not bode well for Democrats and people voted for change. I expected NATO leadership ( incorporated in Washington) to suffer equally but we have not seen it yet. I expected the autumn eclipse in October 2024 to create a ground for negotiate and divide the spoils of war. The US election result has provided that.
Back at home in the UK, I had also written that the second eclipse is more significant for the United Kingdom both from point of view of finances and leadership as well as provide a turning point for the Royalty in the UK, House of Windsor. The Autumnal budget has provided grounds to prove that balancing of budget in UK is not going to be possible in the short run. King Charles and the Princess of Wales Kate, both have resumed their duties.
Predictions for 2025
Countries and individuals having ascendants in the Virgo/Pisces axis will be in the last stages of transformation. The movement of the nodes in the 1/7 axis often causes issues to resolve one way or the other, whether they may be for the better or worse. According to Varahamihīrā, eclipses in the 1/7 axis of countries generally brings a financial downturn or causes dangers to the rulers and government. I expect that countries and institutions with Virgo ascendants that are engaged in battle such as Russia, Lebanon and NATO will reach a final phase of negotiations and there could be some ceasefire or peace even if it is temporary. One can expect the change in leadership and governance and I expect so particularly for Israel as the eclipse is peaking at the hour of Sun. The changes one expects in leadership in Russia and Ukraine is likely to more managed with extensive negotiations around the matters of border areas particularly at the time of second eclipse. Initial happiness might give away to unhappiness both sides. Existential crisis will prevail for NATO.
UK will continue to grapple with debt and finances. USA will have challenges with judiciary and authority but with a promise of financial prosperity. My analysis is drawn from interpretation of the horoscopes of different countries at the peak hour of eclipse and calculating the most suffering or winning planet and its significations. Tables 2 and 4 detail the effect of the eclipse on different countries and are included in the section of individual analysis of eclipses.
Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025
The eclipse is in Uttarabhādrapadā, the penultimate star in the zodiac whose symbol is the back legs of a funeral cot that denotes our exit from the world. The planetary ruler of this asterism is Saturn and the deity is Ahirbudhanya. ‘Ahi’ means the serpent and ‘budhana’ can mean foundation or support for the world. Budhāna is also the one who has awakened and from the Rig veda, he is described residing in the sky in the clouds. The eclipse is in the 4th pada of Uttarabhādrapadā where the Moon is in debilitated in the navāṃśa. The energy of Uttarabhādrapadā will be intense and mysterious, however providing an opportunity for a deep-awakening after intense suffering.
As the solar eclipse is still in Pisces, we can continue to expect disturbances for industries such as deep-sea mining, waterways and shipping, travel by sea, port related activities and fisheries. According to Varahamihīrā, an eclipse in the lunar month of Phalguna is not favourable for manufacturers of weapons and the ruling class.
Casting the chart for the peak eclipse in London, yields a Gemini Ascendant. The following are the major observations-
- There is a sarpa yoga, presence of three malefics, Rahu, Ketu and Mars in at least three quadrants aspecting each other. This combination will create binding events which brings about suffering.
- The presence of two benefics Mercury and Venus should reduce the effect of sarpa yoga, but both are retrograde. They would have had their conjunction with Sun just days before; therefore, the business agenda will be more aligned with the State.
- This should be period of intense negotiation and lobbying in business and politics. Sun and Moon have met with Rahu already in the days before the eclipse and a retrograde Mercury and Venus are moving in the same direction towards Rahu for a second meeting.
- Jupiter in Taurus is a great benefic and owns the eclipsed house and is in exchange with Venus. This brings Jupiter’s contact with the eclipsed house which is a huge blessing for the world, but perhaps not for Jupiter as fairness may be compromised.
- Saturn is the day lord of the eclipse and though it is not in the eclipsed house at the time of peak eclipse, it will move into it at 14.09.35, just hours after the eclipse ends at 12.43.45 hrs. Rahu and Saturn are in an orb together and their exact conjunction will happen on the early hours of April 14th around the time of the solar ingress. The conjunction of Rahu and Saturn is a cause of concern as it brings about turbulence.
- The impact of the eclipse should be global as all the planets are involved in the eclipsed house by way of presence, aspect or exchange with the exception of Saturn which moves hours later.
I have tabulated the effect of the eclipse for some countries by casting a chart for the peak hour.
Table 2: Predictions based on the Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025 | |||||
Country | Eclipse Ascendant | Eclipse Ascendant in Natal chart | Eclipsed house Pisces in Natal chart | Suffering Planet | Comments |
UK | Gemini | 11th house | 8 | Me | Focus on debt, finances and gains, unexpected gains from debt, though business and commerce may be still weak. |
USA | Pisces | 5th house | 5 | Ju | Challenges for Trump with authority and wielding of power, judiciary and intellectuals will suffer, overall financial gains including real-estate and business. |
NATO | Pisces | 7th house | 7 | Ju | Existential challenge for Mark Rutte and severe financial problems for NATO are indicated. |
Russia | Cancer | 11th house | 7 | Su, Mo | The head of state Putin will be severely challenged with more negative impact on ministers, commerce and cattle/resources. Improvement and gains from border areas and travel. |
Ukraine | Cancer | 8th house | 4 | Su, Mo | Challenges to Zelensky, with transformation in the hearts of people after much suffering, positive change in governance and ministers |
Israel | Cancer | 10th house | 6 | Su | Netanyahu should lose power, change in Government is indicated and people will be happier, ministers and commerce will gain. |
For individuals, if the natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant is placed in Uttarbhadrapada it may be a time to increase awareness about finances, health and direction in life. The impact of the eclipse is felt roughly six months before or after the eclipse. Table 3 lists some key personalities that have their Ascendants, Sun or Moon in Uttarabhādrapadā
Table 3 : Statesmen/ Celebrities with Ascendants or Sun and Moon in Uttarabhādrapadā | ||
Ascendant in Uttarabhādrapadā | Sun in Uttara Bhadra | Moon in Uttarabhādrapadā |
Hong Kong | Elton John | Bill Gates |
Jair Bolsanaro | Diane Von Fursternberg | |
Harry Weinstein | Hilary Clinton | |
Lady Gaga | Novak Djokovic | |
Nancy Pelosi | Russel Brand | |
Saudi Arabia (1902) | ||
USA Progressed | ||
Thailand (1997) |
Partial Eclipse on Sept 21st 2025
The second solar eclipse falls on 21st September a day before the Autumnal Equinox (length of the day is equalling that of the night) on a Sunday in Uttaraphalgunī naskhatra (3rd pada) in the sign of Virgo. The presiding deity of Uttaraphalgunī is Aryaman, meaning a noble man, the ruler of asterism is the Sun. Aryaman gives prosperity through marriage and unions. He contracts for resources that are necessary for successful unions or marriage.
An eclipse in Virgo is said to cause trouble to crops (particularly regions endowed with paddy fields) and also to poets, writers and musicians. The largest exporter of rice are India and the United States. An eclipse in the lunar month of Bhādrapada is said to bring prosperity to land but women may suffer miscarriages.
The eclipse Ascendant for the chart cast in London is Aries with its lord Mars not favourably positioned in the 7th (in MKS). This is not good for the overall-health of the economy, but debts may reduce. The eclipsed house is Virgo with a Mercury even when exalted is afflicted by its presence in the eclipsed house and aspected by Jupiter (also in MKS) and Saturn from the signs of Gemini and Pisces. The aspect of Jupiter is only disturbing for countries with ascendant as Aries at the peak time of eclipse. The eclipsed house is wedged between Mars and Ketu. Venus, though not present in the eclipsed house is nevertheless impacted by it as it is with the nodes and in Leo. I have tabulated the effects for some countries by casting a chart for the peak hour of eclipse for each of them.
Table 4 : Predictions based on the Solar Eclipse on September 21st 2025 | |||||
Eclipse Ascendant | Eclipse Ascendant in Natal chart | Eclipsed house Virgo in Natal chart | Suffering Planet | Comments |
UK | Aries | 9th house | 2 | Mo | Public, ministers, agriculture and merchant will suffer while rulers, hospitality and travel will benefit |
USA | Sag | 2nd house | 11 | Su, Mo | Marginal challenges for Trump, Public, ministers and agriculture will suffer while hospitality and travel will benefit. Financial gains are indicated |
NATO | Sag | 4th house | 1 | Su, Mo | Marginal challenge for Mark Rutte with suffering for the countries in NATO |
Russia | Gem | 10th House | 1 | Sat | Maximum impact is on the border areas while Putin will be challenged particularly as his Sun is in Uttaraphalgunī |
Ukraine | Gem | 7th house | 10 | Sat | Maximum impact is on the border areas while some challenges and some positive change in governance |
Israel | Taurus | 8th house | 12 | Sun | Change of government and the border areas will benefit. |
If the natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant is placed in Uttaraphalgunī it may be a time to increase awareness about finances, health and direction in life. The impact of the eclipse is felt roughly six months before or after the eclipse. Table 5 lists some key personalities that have their Ascendants, Sun or Moon in Uttaraphalgunī.
Table 5 : Statesman/ Celebrities with Ascendant, Sun or Moon in Uttaraphalgunī | ||
Ascendant in Uttaraphalgunī | Sun in Uttaraphalgunī | Moon in Uttaraphalgunī |
Tom Hanks | Narender Modi | Donna Karan |
Jeb Bush | Michael Douglas | Deepak Chopra |
Mark Zuckerberg | Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex | Luciano Benneton |
NATO | Saudi Arabia (1932) | Thaksin Shinawatra |
Sri Lanka |
The Solar energy or Agni (Fire element) gets weakened in an eclipse. Agni or precisely jātargni aids in digestion, therefore one should observe fasting at the time of the eclipse as the digestive process will be weak. After the eclipse, bathing is prescribed invoking the devas and loka-palas beckoning the seas and rivers to wash of the digressions to remove the suffering caused by inauspicious planets. This bathing is more essential if the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant is in the eclipsed sign and in the nakshatra of Uttarabhādrapadā or Uttaraphalgunī.
From the tradition I have been taught, seekers and those affected are asked to worship Jupiter or Shiva who is the “Father of the Universe” to reduce bad energy and restore the glory of Sun. We recommend praying to the teaching form of Shiva called Dakṣiṇāmūrti with mantra
ॐ दक्षिणामूर्ति रतरोम्
om dakṣiṇāmūrti ratarom
ॐ नमो भगवते दक्षिणामुर्तये मह्यं मेदां प्रज्ञां प्रयच्छ स्वाहा
om namo bhagavate dakṣiṇāmurtaye mahyaṁ medāṁ prajñāṁ prayaccha svāhā
Giving to charity on this day is also highly encouraged.
- Based on the principles taught by Jyotish Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath
- Bṛhat Samhitā – Varahamihīrā, M. Ramakṛishna Bhat, Part 1, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, India
- Eclipse Data from https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/solar.html
- Time and Date.com Solar & Lunar Eclipses Worldwide (timeanddate.com)
- Shri Jyoti Star – Vedic software
ॐ तत् सत्
This is the original work of Vijaya Jyoti, copyright © 2025 vijaya.jyoti.com. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted without proper attribution to the author and source.